50 Acronyms Developers Use
I asked on Twitter and you gave me the perfect answers.
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I was wondering what acronyms does a developer use on a daily basis...
So I asked my lovely friends on Twitter😊
Related to development:
- KISS - Keep it simple stupid
- DRY - Don't repeat yourself
- DDD - Domain Driven Development
- DHCP - Dynamic host configuration Protocol
- MVP - Minimum Viable Product
- MERN - Mongo DB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js
- MVC - Model View Controller
- MVP - Model View Presentation
- LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
- SQL - Structured query language.
- WET - Write Every Time
- ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
- API - Application Programming Interface
- BDD - Behavior Driven Development
- CRUD - Create Read Update Delete
- CDN - content delivery network
- CI/CD - continuous integration continues delivery
- CORS- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- RCA - Root Cause Analysis
- RAII - Resource Aquisition Is Initialisation
- REPL - Read Evaluate Print Loop
- FOP - functional Oriented Programming
- EDA - Event-Driven Architecture
- TDD - Test Driven Development
- TCP - Transmission Control Protocol!
- POC - Proof Of Concept
- SPA - Single Page Application
- SRP - Single Responsibility Principle
- K8s - Kubernetes
- JSON - JavaScript Object Notation
- PWA - Progressive Web App
- LGTM - Looks good to merge (or Me)
- Wysiwyg - what you see is what you get
- WTFIGOWMC - What The Fk Is Going On With My Code
Some things I've NEVER thought of:
- ACID - Atomic, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
- AFK - Away From Keyboard
- AID - Am I Audible?
- DAMP - Descriptive and Meaningful Phrases
- DIE - Duplication Is Evil
- F.O.C.U.S - Follow One Course Until Successful
- FYI - For Your Information
- LTA - Learn Try Apply
- OOF - Out of Facility
- OOO - Out of Office
- PEBCAK- Problem exists between chair and keyboard
- SPOT - Single Point Of Truth
- WFH - Work From Home
- WPM - WTFs per minute
- YAGNI - You aint gonna need it
Do you recognize any of these acronyms? Which ones do you use more often?
👋Hello, I'm Eleftheria, a front-end developer, master student, freelancer, public speaker, and chocolate lover.
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