600 People Have Answered: Coding is hard but ____________ is harder.
Fill in the blank.
A few days ago I asked on Twitter what is harder than coding. My answer would be poverty, raising children (although I'm not a parent), communication, etc.
Let's see how other people felt.
Life - coding is hard but...
- Poverty / Being broke is harder.
- Raising kids/ Raising teenagers / The parenthood.
- Giving birth is harder.
- Adulting.
- Human interaction.
- Dealing with idiots online / Dealing with people / Dealing with clients.
- Trusting people.
- Building an actual product is harder.
- The amount of things you need to learn to become good enough to get a job.
- Finding a job is / Landing a job (<- I got many answers like this).
- Giving up.
- Bricklaying is one of those jobs that looks so easy but is actually very difficult.
- Life is harder.
Work- coding is hard but...
- Problem-solving is harder
- Coding is hard but scrum daily is harder.
- Deployment / Documenting / Designing / Testing (<- I got many answers for these).
- Algorithms/maths.
- Explaining something that sounds super obvious and simple to you as an experienced dev, to a newbie who's just starting out in the field.
- Reading others’ codes.
- Finding error when code compiles successfully.
- Thinking about how my portfolio design will be is harder.
- Getting really damn good in it is harder / Quality coding is harder.
- Clean Coding.
- Resolving merge conflicts.
- Refactoring (<- I got many answers like this).
- Not coding (<- I got many answers like this).
- Debugging / Debugging other's code (<- I got many answers like this).
Fun - coding is hard but...
- Finding a girl who is good at programming, sarcasm and watches anime!!
- Finding a partner / Dating.
- Convincing people that you cannot hack into their ex's account- is harder (<- ok, that made me laugh!).
- Watching your crush's boyfriend code.
- Coding is hard but filling the blank is harder...
- Trying to talk to literally anyone in my fam about coding.
- Maintaining social life while coding as a profession is harder ( <- well, I'm not sure if this is actually fun or not!)
- Naming methods / variables.
- Not getting coding-related jokes is harder.
- Learning Russian.
- Trying to sleep without solving the problem.
- Painting every room in your house.
- Watching Sebastian Vettel on a podium in 2021.
I'm afraid I couldn't include all the answers as more than 600 people answered me (thank you), but I tried to include the most common answers. Feel free to check the rest of them on Twitter. Thank you everyone for participating :).
If you want to take part in these questions make sure to follow me on Twitter or on Instagram.
👋Hello, I'm Eleftheria, community and social media manager at Hashnode, developer, public speaker, and chocolate lover.
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